‘Search by Products
‡˜Vanilla Beans
‡˜Domestic Flavor
‡˜Concentrated Paste
‘Search by Tastes
‡˜Type Vanilla
‡˜Type Fruits1
‡˜Type Fruits2
‡˜Type Black tea
‡˜Type Maccha(Green tea)
‡˜Type Coffee
‡˜Type Chocolate
‡˜Type Vegetables
‡˜Type Herbs, Flowers
‡˜Type Nuts
‡˜Type Dairy Products Type
‡˜Type Sweets
‡˜Type Liquor
‡˜Type Refreshing Beverage
‘How to use
(Under Constraction)
‡˜Domestic Flavor
(Under Constraction)
‡˜Concentrated Paste1
‡˜Concentrated Paste2
‡˜Concentrated Paste3
(Under Constraction)
‘Company Infomation
‡˜Outline of Company
  When you make the coffee confections, you might use the grinded coffee, or maybe instant coffee.
Now let us offer you easy to use coffee materials for genuine confections.
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Mild, Sweet Coffee Flavor
Coffee Flavor TA1125
@ This flavor has mildness and sweetness together.
This flavor has heat-resistance, so can be applied to baking sweet. Stunning result.
Domestic Flavor
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Extract from Brazilian Coffee Beans
Domestic Coffee Essence
@ This coffee essence is made out of Brazilian Coffee extract.
This essence has strong coffee aroma and deep taste.
Suitable for cool confections.
Concentrated Paste
@ @ @
Deep Roast Coffee aroma with little sweetness
Whip Taste Roasted Coffee
@ This paste has strong roasted aroma of coffee beans and little sweetness. Its depth of taste and roast aroma gives your confection depth.
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